Hey lovelies!

Guess who had her first Hiking experience? You guessed right! lol Me. It was a beautiful Saturday morning, I was up by 5:30 am, I slept excited and woke up even more excited.

I met up with a group of amazing humans called Christ’s Creatives, a friend told me about them and asked if I’d be interested, I’ve always wanted to be a part of something like this and I thought why not ? Since we’re all for making Jesus famous. I’m positive you will hear more about this group on this blog.

The mountain we climbed was at Wuye, and getting there proved to be a bit difficult for me because I had never been there, so I had to make a series of calls until I found my way . I was a bit nervous at first because I hadn’t met any of the group members. First thing I noticed was that I was the only female wearing make up 😂, please don’t ask me any questions, thank you.

We prayed, and the climbing began…

In no time, I was already gasping for air like a fish out of water. At certain points we stopped to take pictures and catch our breath. We finally reached the top of the mountain and the view was so breath taking (literally). I could see various landmarks in Abuja like the National Stadium, the welcome to Abuja monument, cars moving like a pack of cards, it was So beautiful.

I think the part I loved the most was where we fellowshipped. We sang and talked about God extensively, there was a Muslim boy in our midst, he met us at the foot of the bridge and climbed with us. He also spoke based on his own understanding, I believe some seeds have been sown in his heart, hopefully one day he’ll come to the true knowledge of who the real God.

Don’t laugh at me but I was actually scared of coming down the hill than climbing up 😭. I actually slipped and I almost fell, thank God someone was holding my hand.

We took more pictures on our way down and on the train tracks, it was hilarious because we kept on making jokes about the train coming. I legit met people who love pictures as much as I do, yes these people are here to stay 💓.

Would I go hiking again? Yes! Maybe this time I’ll climb a tougher mountain. Have you gone hiking before?

18 Comments Add yours

  1. Olaoluwa Sofowora says:

    Haha. How did you feel when you realised that you were the only one on make up?
    I have gone hiking a couple of times before and it is always refreshing being in the midst of nature. Away from the hustle and bustle of the concrete city.


    1. Yess! It feels really good to get away from everything you know. Tbh I felt really shy at first but there was nothing I could do, so I owned my slay like a queen 😂. Thanks for stopping by Ola 🤗


  2. Ozioma Paul says:

    Awwwwwn! This is beautiful!
    Hope you can show me around Abuja whenever I am around. You just know how to have plenty funnn!


    1. I’m actually learning to have fun now that I’m young and vibrant 😂. When are you coming to Abuja already? I’ll be glad to 💃🏽


  3. Debs says:

    I have only climbed the Idanre hills once and I couldn’t get to the top because it was so slippery that day. I really look forward to hiking more and it seems we have more of that in Abuja. So sad I missed this.


    1. Awwn… I’m sure we’ll have more of that 🤗 . We got to a point where it got really slippery too 😂. I couldn’t believe myself, this is not for the fainthearted.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Baldy says:

    Great photos!

    I’m pleased you enjoyed your hike. I remember my first time – I was shattered and all sweaty.. perhaps if I’d wore makeup I’d have felt as glamorous as you look 😁

    I made a rookie mistake a few times when setting out for walks.. a little tip I’ll share with you – avoid denim. When the denim gets wet, it’s just awful to hike in.

    I look forward to reading about your next escapade 👍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha ☺️☺️☺️. Thanks a lot for the tip, I’ll keep that in mind. I look forward to more of your comments . Thanks for stopping by x

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Kashia says:

    Wow, what an amazing experience. I’ve been wanting to start hiking. Maybe I should search for groups in my area as well. The makeup part made me laugh!


    1. 🙈 lool. Yes you should, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Thank you for stopping by 🤗


  6. I’m glad you had fun hiking. I can’t wait to be part of The Christian creatives when I get back home. Such a great idea plus I’ve never hiked before.


    1. Yay! Please hurry up and get back soon ☺️. I’m sure hiking is something you’ll love, thank you Tobi 💓🤗


  7. Awwwh I wanna do this too!!! Looks like you had so much fun plus the photos are beautiful. I always want someone that loves photos as much as I do in my corner. Love the one on the train track most ❤️


    1. Awwwn thank you so much 🤗. Yes I really did have fun! You definitely should, you’ll love it ☺️💓

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Ekundayo Salami says:

    Nice one


  9. celly1989 says:

    Great pics…..I am an avid hiker myself but I remember feeling so unfit for my first hike but so impressed by how beautiful it is on these hiking trails. Enjoy it 🙂 Careful you become addicted to the outdoors 🙂


    1. Should be a beautiful addiction! Thanks for reading 💕


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